- We’re afraid we’re not talented enough
- We have fear of rejection
- We’re afraid it’s already been done
- What we desire is not important enough to make a change in other people’s life
- We’re afraid we don’t have the right degree or training

- Because we think we’re not talented enough, we never try anything new.
- Because we have fear of rejection, we don’t put ourselves out there.
- Because it’s already been done, we keep our inventions tucked away at the bottom of the drawer, or worse, in the corner of our minds until it disappears completely.
- Because what we have to offer is not that important,—like say, savings lives, we don’t share what could possibly save someone’s life—like a song, a story, a favorite recipe, a dance that moves someone and awakens their souls.
- Because we don’t have the right degree, we don’t apply for that job, or reach for that goal because, well, there’s no point really….
I suggest this, any time any of the above limited beliefs creep into your thought life challenge it by asking yourself this: What will I build my next hour around, fear or bravery? By bringing to the surface that you’re about to step on that fear track, it will shake you--alert you that you’re about to play small. Never again allow fear to be the place from which your life is built. Instead be brave, take chances and live fully.
I hope you found these tips helpful, and If you haven’t done so already, I would love for you to follow me on Twitter and Instagram and like my Facebook page. Through my social sites I share daily inspiration and motivation on writing and positive thinking. Oh, and yeah, I'm now on YouTube!
In case you didn't know, my new non-fiction book #Believe Dammit was released on 09/26/2017, check it out here!
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Until next time!