Okay, so I’m fairly new to this social media business—really new. I mean, I’ve been writing books since 2009, but only started taking on social media this year. However, in my short run, I’ve learned a couple things, and, I wanted to share it with my fellow newbies. So, if you’re feeling a little overwhelmed by the entire marketing thing, and, if you’re totally frustrated because all you really want to do is write, then here are my top three takeaways when it comes to creating a brand and a name on social media.
Find Your Niche
I think at one point or another we all struggle in this area, especially when we’re just starting out. After all, we like loads of things and feel it necessary to share all of it with the world. However, at the end of the day it comes down to two things: what you really enjoy combined with the message you want to share., nothing more. Let me give you an example. With my blog, I really want to talk about the power of positive thinking and transformation. Not only do I enjoy inspiring others to follow their dreams, but I love to share what I learn. That’s not to say that I haven’t dabbled into other areas, which was obviously a mistake—I’m still learning.
Authenticity is your friend
I'm sure by now you're tired of hearing about the holy grail of marketing: be authentic. But what does this mean? You ask, as you bang your head against the computer. This means that you don’t copy someone else’s pictures and post them as yours, or copy their Instagram story ideas just because you can’t think of what to post, you must get clear on who you are. What you like, not what everyone else likes or is doing. Pick out the colors you like, quotes that speak to you, and write the way you talk. You may not think so, but your audience can tell when you’re being you and when you’re being someone else entirely. Overall you must keep in mind why you do what you do. It’s about sharing and inspiring others to buy that lipstick, to get on that yoga mat, it’s not about gaining likes or followers. Being inspired by others is very different than copying them. So, go be your beautifully authentic self.
By far, this one’s the easiest method to grasp: simply engage with your audience—honest engagement though. If you’re on Instagram, then I’m sure you’ve received the random “awesome” “lovely” “fantastic” kind of comments on your pics. THIS IS NOT HONEST AND AUTHENTIC ENGAGEMENT, and in my opinion, you shouldn’t waste your time engaging with these types of comments. The people who leave these comments aren’t really interested in you or your message, they’re only interested in you following their page. Just ignore them, and move on to true engagement. This means spend some time replying to the comments of the people that are there to connect with you. Also, comment and engage with other people’s photos, true comments, none that “NICE” crap.
Okay, so there you have it, my top three takeaways. I know there’s so much more when it comes to social media, but these were the ones that kept getting repeated. I hope this helps you find your way on the huge world wide web.
In case you didn’t know, my new book #Believe Dammit:10 Principles For Attracting and Creating the Life You Crave comes out September 26, 2017. And if you did know, then I'm sure you're thinking "wait, that's not the cover" you would be right! After careful consideration of my "brand," I decided to revise the cover. Isn't it so pretty? I love it!
July's GIVEAWAY is a $15 Amazon gift card. Sign up for my mailing list for your chance to win. Good Luck!
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